
Rough Day

So today, on a more serious note, I was very frustrated and it seemed that no matter what my children did, it didn't feel good enough.  I am putting myself out there on this one, and allowing the world to see what an imperfect mother I am.  Today, frankly, I felt like a horrible one.  I had no patience.  I yelled at them, I lectured, I am sure I did every wrong thing a mother can do short of beating her children, and truthfully, at times, that was tempting.  I have wonderful children, but sometimes, they don't have a wonderful mom.  Now don't get me wrong, they were no perfect angels today, but even the "spilt milk" moments seemed to set me off.  This was one of those days.... I guess you just take a deep breath, try to set yourself straight, and start again tomorrow.  It would probably just be wise to go to bed.  After I got pretty fed up today, my nine year old said, "Mom, I don't think you got enough sleep last night."  Maybe he was right.  Well, to all you mothers out there, my hat is off to you all!  This is not an easy job, and I see so many wonderful examples in so many women I know!  Thanks....  And here's to the children!


Robin said...

Well...you may not be a perfect mom like me, but you sure are a cute mom.

I am amazed at what a wonderful mom you are and how you make it look pleasant and easy. Go put on your Science Fair crown, eat some chocolate, and pat yourself on the back, and repeat this phrase over and over out loud, "I am freakin awesome!"

Hans and Michelle said...

I think you're a freakin awesome mom! Are you kidding? I still remember the day I had had it with screaming children and Mia was 1 month old and I felt sick and worthless and there you show up with a baby gift and encouraging words. And you have 5 children and a husband who is gone. It was a humbling moment for me. I think you should give yourself some more credit. And then do some yoga:)

R A C H A E L said...

You are a great mom! I have a major melt down every time Damon is gone for more than 3 days. Props to you! This is the first I have heard you say anything about how hard it is to be a mom. Don't be hard on yourself! You make being a Mom look good!

jenn and flay said...

Good for you for saying what we all think at times. It is a good day when I don't have to repent for yelling at the kids, after all, they are kids. Life gets overwhelming and especially as a single mom while Adam's gone. Keep up the great work and chin up. You inspire all of us with the great job you do.

Berly said...

We all have those moments and I can't imagine doing it by myself. Don't worry about it. Give yourself a big pat on the back and like Michelle said, "Do some yoga." You are an awesome!!