
The Mighty Hunter

This is a picture of my sweetheart, doing what else, fly-fishing in Iraq! Some of you may have already seen this picture, but I got such a kick out of it, I had to post it. The elusive prey in this case was Koi - that 's essentially a fancy goldfish, which he caught out of the retention pond on base. According to Wikipedia, "a homophone of koi means "love, affection" and koi are therefore symbols of love and friendship." Adam was certainly feelin' the love, as these little guys were happily biting at his homemade flies. As you can see, he thought this was as funny as I did, as he held his mighty 4 inch conquest in the bright sun of Iraq. Keep fishing honey! It always helped you keep your sanity before, and I am sure it will help you though the next 8 1/2 months! Love and happy fishing everyone!

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