
"Dance and let the joy be unconfined."

So to everyone who went to my dance class on Super Saturday, and everyone who didn't, we had such a great time, that we are going to continue on a regular basis.  For now, we are going to start the class on Thursday mornings @ 10:00 (doors will open at 9:45) at the church.  It will be an hour and fifteen minutes.  We were going to start this week, but do to seminary in the building, we have to check with the school and make sure there will be no glitches.  As for child care, I think Rachel will take care of it for next week, but after that, she wants us to rotate each week.  If we get a enough interest, you shouldn't have to tend children very often at all.  Also, we may add a night or Saturday class if enough people want one.

So, let me tell you why I love to dance, and why I hope you can join me in this love.  Dance is an internalization and an outward expression of music.  It is, for me, the ultimate expression of movement.  One can express joy or sorrow, humor or drama.  Without saying a word, thoughts and feelings can flow seamlessly through our bodies.  I feel invigorated when I dance.  Life blood flows to my fingers and toes.  My muscles contract and stretch in ways I seldom feel elsewhere.  Agnes De Mille, a famous dancer and choreographer, said, "To dance is to be out of yourself.  Larger, more beautiful, more powerful.  This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking."  I love to dance!  It feels at one with my spirit.  I am out of practice right now, and yet it stirs within me all the time.  I can not hear a piece of music without feeling that music in movement.  I believe we danced in heaven.  I think God wants us to dance and enjoy our bodies, if only for ourselves.  It is one of His greatest gifts to us.  "O body swayed to music, O brightening glance, How can we know the dancer from the dance?" - William Butler Yeats

Come dance with us on Thursday!  "Let [your] joy be unconfined!"  

*And, by the way, as Dave Barry once said, "Nobody cares if you can't dance well.  Just get up and dance."  We want you all there, whether you feel you can dance or not!  It won't be the same without any of you!*  


R A C H A E L said...

It is at the church? I am so excited!

Liz said...

Yes, it is at the church. Totally free too! So, come even when you move!

Robin said...

I'm scared.

Molly said...

I want to be in your dance class!

Rachel said...

It looked like a lot of fun! I think I'll join next week! Thanks for doing it!